Laie 7th Ward Relief Society
Self-Reliance Newsletter
Turning the Hearts of the Children to their Fathers
On February 6, 2016, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held the 2016 RootsTech Family Discovery Day where General Authorities of the church and other special guests spoke on the importance of family history. There they introduced new tools and resources available for the members to hasten the work and bless their families through family history and temple work.
Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles gave an apostolic challenge and blessing, saying:
I extend the offer of protection that’s been offered in the past. Brothers and sisters, I promise you protection as you and your family take this challenge: to find as many names to take to the temple as ordinances you perform in the temple, and teach others to do the same.
If you accept this challenge, blessings will begin to flow to you and your family like the power of the river spoken of by Ezekiel (Ezekiel 47:1-5, 8, 9), and the river will grow as you continue to perform this work and teach others to do the same.
You’ll find not only protection from the temptations and ills of this world, but you’ll also find personal power, power to change, power to repent, power to learn, power to be sanctified, and power to turn the hearts of your family together and heal that which needs healing.
I witness that Jesus Christ lives. I witness that the sealing authority has been given to earth, that these keys and priesthood authority exist on earth to bless the lives of all of Heavenly Father’s children. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
To find out more information and to watch videos of the messages given at the 2016 RootsTech Family Discovery Day go to
12 Principles of Self-Reliance
1. Exercise Faith in Jesus
2. Use Time Wisely
3. Be Obedient
4. Manage Money
5. Work: Take Responsibility
6. Solve Problems
7. Become One, Work
8. Communicate: Petition
and Listen
9. Persevere
10. Show Integrity
11. Seek Learning and
12. Stay on Task, Receive
–Organize your important documents so that you can include them in your emergency supply kits.
Source: L7 Relief Society